Introducing the new AK Industries HydroVolt Low Profile Series

The HydroVolt Low Profile series is a rugged and compact right-angle receptacle series of connectors. It is the most rugged low profile design available.

Extreme Rugged Design

The HyrdroVolt Low Profiles series is much more rugged that any other low profile designs that we are aware of. The shell is machined from large stock and is not symmetrical around the primary axis. This means that it is virtually impossible to twist the head off of the shell (which is a known weakness with other low profile connections).


Innovative new retaining system

The disadvantage of low profile designs has always been the difficulty of adding any kind of locking device to hold the plug and receptacle together. We have developed an innovative new retaining system. We call it a retaining spider. It can be snapped into placed after the mating. It is the same width as the connectors so does not interfere with mounting in a channel.



Multiple shank lengths and styles to choose from

With a right angle receptacle, the customer usually needs to control the clocking (axis of direction). With a bulkhead type of receptacle, this requires that a retaining nut arrangement be used. However, mounting thickness' are different depending on application and depth. With HydroVolt LP Connectors, the customer may specify the shank length and type for his application.


HydroVolt: Low Profile Series (LP) - Shell Diagram

The HydroVolt Low Profile bulkhead shell is stronger than any competing connector. The HydroVolt shank is larger with 9/16-18 threads. Out competitors all use 7/16-20. ALso, the HydroVolt shank has a pressure wall. Our competitors do not have that feature, their shank is drilled through and all conductors go through the same hole.

Another major feature is that the HydroVolt LP shell is asymmetric another the axis. Please note the "ears" that protrude up the sides. They make is essentially impossible to twist of the rubber head.


To find out more information about this product please get in touch via or alternatively download the product overview sheet.


White Paper: Low Profile Bulkhead Connectors on Pressure Bottles

Download the white paper which proposes the use of dual O-ring (low profile) bulkhead receptacles with protective brackets on pressure bottles. This arrangement eliminates the right angle adapter and thus has many fewer potential leakage paths into the bottle. The brackets perform dual functions of retaining the plug and the receptacle together, as well as protecting the mated set.




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