

Availability: In stock

Price: £333.00

Sales Information

Fibre Optic Termination Kit for FIMT Umb (1.5mm Tube).

To be used in conjunction with the Fibre Optic Tool Kit for FIMT Cable Tube (1.5mm OD).

Key Features

The technical details section outlines the full summary of the items included within the Termination Kit.


For termination of both ends of one 1.5 mm fibre optic steel tube element.

Technical Specification

Steel case adapter, 1.5m tube OD 2
Splice melt sleeve 4 x 50mm
IAKT Heat Shrink 8/2 4 x 50mm
IAKT Heat Shrink 3/1 4 x 30mm
Locktite 415 1 bottle
E.I steel tube grinding clamps 2pcs
Polymere sleeve/tube 3M 25m
